

对应sdp中的 m=字段 (媒体名称和传输地址)

m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 126
//SAVPF代表使用srtcp的反馈机制来控制通信过程,后台111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 126表示本会话音频支持的编码,后台几行会有详细补充说明
 * This structure describes media stream information. Each media stream
 * corresponds to one "m=" line in SDP session descriptor, and it has
 * its own RTP/RTCP socket pair.
typedef struct pjmedia_stream_info
    pjmedia_type        type;       /**< Media type (audio, video)          */
    pjmedia_tp_proto    proto;      /**< Transport protocol (RTP/AVP, etc.) */
    pjmedia_dir         dir;        /**< Media direction.                   */
    pj_sockaddr         local_addr; /**< Local RTP address                  */
    pj_sockaddr         rem_addr;   /**< Remote RTP address                 */
    pj_sockaddr         rem_rtcp;   /**< Optional remote RTCP address. If
                                         sin_family is zero, the RTP address
                                         will be calculated from RTP.       */
    pj_bool_t           rtcp_mux;   /**< Use RTP and RTCP multiplexing.     */
    pj_bool_t           rtcp_xr_enabled;
                                    /**< Specify whether RTCP XR is enabled.*/
    pj_uint32_t         rtcp_xr_interval; /**< RTCP XR interval.            */
    pj_sockaddr         rtcp_xr_dest;/**<Additional remote RTCP XR address.
                                         This is useful for third-party (e.g:
                                         network monitor) to monitor the 
                                         stream. If sin_family is zero, 
                                         this will be ignored.              */
    pjmedia_rtcp_fb_info loc_rtcp_fb; /**< Local RTCP-FB info.              */
    pjmedia_rtcp_fb_info rem_rtcp_fb; /**< Remote RTCP-FB info.             */
    pjmedia_codec_info  fmt;        /**< Incoming codec format info.        */
    pjmedia_codec_param *param;     /**< Optional codec param.              */
    unsigned            tx_pt;      /**< Outgoing codec paylaod type.       */
    unsigned            rx_pt;      /**< Incoming codec paylaod type.       */
    unsigned            tx_maxptime;/**< Outgoing codec max ptime.          */
    int                 tx_event_pt;/**< Outgoing pt for telephone-events.  */
    int                 rx_event_pt;/**< Incoming pt for telephone-events.  */
    pj_uint32_t         ssrc;       /**< RTP SSRC.                          */
    pj_str_t            cname;      /**< RTCP CNAME.                        */
    pj_bool_t           has_rem_ssrc;/**<Has remote RTP SSRC?               */
    pj_uint32_t         rem_ssrc;   /**< Remote RTP SSRC.                   */
    pj_str_t            rem_cname;  /**< Remote RTCP CNAME.                 */
    pj_uint32_t         rtp_ts;     /**< Initial RTP timestamp.             */
    pj_uint16_t         rtp_seq;    /**< Initial RTP sequence number.       */
    pj_uint8_t          rtp_seq_ts_set;
                                    /**< Bitmask flags if initial RTP sequence 
                                         and/or timestamp for sender are set.
                                         bit 0/LSB : sequence flag 
                                         bit 1     : timestamp flag         */
    int                 jb_init;    /**< Jitter buffer init delay in msec.  
                                         (-1 for default).                  */
    int                 jb_min_pre; /**< Jitter buffer minimum prefetch
                                         delay in msec (-1 for default).    */
    int                 jb_max_pre; /**< Jitter buffer maximum prefetch
                                         delay in msec (-1 for default).    */
    int                 jb_max;     /**< Jitter buffer max delay in msec.   */
    pjmedia_jb_discard_algo jb_discard_algo;
                                    /**< Jitter buffer discard algorithm.   */

    pj_bool_t           use_ka;     /**< Stream keep-alive and NAT hole punch
                                         (see #PJMEDIA_STREAM_ENABLE_KA)
                                         is enabled?                        */
    pjmedia_stream_ka_config ka_cfg;
                                    /**< Stream send kep-alive settings.    */
    pj_bool_t           rtcp_sdes_bye_disabled; 
                                    /**< Disable automatic sending of RTCP
                                         SDES and BYE.                      */
} pjmedia_stream_info;


 * This structure describes media stream.
 * A media stream is bidirectional media transmission between two endpoints.
 * It consists of two channels, i.e. encoding and decoding channels.
 * A media stream corresponds to a single "m=" line in a SDP session
 * description.
struct pjmedia_stream
    pjmedia_endpt           *endpt;         /**< Media endpoint.            */
    pjmedia_codec_mgr       *codec_mgr;     /**< Codec manager instance.    */
    pjmedia_stream_info      si;            /**< Creation parameter.        */
    pjmedia_port             port;          /**< Port interface.            */
    pjmedia_channel         *enc;           /**< Encoding channel.          */
    pjmedia_channel         *dec;           /**< Decoding channel.          */

    pj_pool_t               *own_pool;      /**< Only created if not given  */

    pjmedia_dir              dir;           /**< Stream direction.          */
    void                    *user_data;     /**< User data.                 */
    pj_str_t                 cname;         /**< SDES CNAME                 */

    pjmedia_transport       *transport;     /**< Stream transport.          */

    pjmedia_codec           *codec;         /**< Codec instance being used. */
    pjmedia_codec_param      codec_param;   /**< Codec param.               */
    pj_int16_t              *enc_buf;       /**< Encoding buffer, when enc's
                                                 ptime is different than dec.
                                                 Otherwise it's NULL.       */

    unsigned                 enc_samples_per_pkt;
    unsigned                 enc_buf_size;  /**< Encoding buffer size, in
                                                 samples.                   */
    unsigned                 enc_buf_pos;   /**< First position in buf.     */
    unsigned                 enc_buf_count; /**< Number of samples in the
                                                 encoding buffer.           */

    pj_int16_t              *dec_buf;       /**< Decoding buffer.           */
    unsigned                 dec_buf_size;  /**< Decoding buffer size, in
                                                 samples.                   */
    unsigned                 dec_buf_pos;   /**< First position in buf.     */
    unsigned                 dec_buf_count; /**< Number of samples in the
                                                 decoding buffer.           */

    pj_uint16_t              dec_ptime;     /**< Decoder frame ptime in ms. */
    pj_uint8_t               dec_ptime_denum;/**< Decoder ptime denum.      */
    pj_bool_t                detect_ptime_change;
                                            /**< Detect decode ptime change */

    unsigned                 plc_cnt;       /**< # of consecutive PLC frames*/
    unsigned                 max_plc_cnt;   /**< Max # of PLC frames        */

    unsigned                 vad_enabled;   /**< VAD enabled in param.      */
    unsigned                 frame_size;    /**< Size of encoded base frame.*/
    pj_bool_t                is_streaming;  /**< Currently streaming?. This
                                                 is used to put RTP marker
                                                 bit.                       */
    pj_uint32_t              ts_vad_disabled;/**< TS when VAD was disabled. */
    pj_uint32_t              tx_duration;   /**< TX duration in timestamp.  */

    pj_mutex_t              *jb_mutex;
    pjmedia_jbuf            *jb;            /**< Jitter buffer.             */
    char                     jb_last_frm;   /**< Last frame type from jb    */
    unsigned                 jb_last_frm_cnt;/**< Last JB frame type counter*/
    unsigned                 soft_start_cnt;/**< Stream soft start counter */

    pjmedia_rtcp_session     rtcp;          /**< RTCP for incoming RTP.     */

    pj_uint32_t              rtcp_last_tx;  /**< RTCP tx time in timestamp  */
    pj_uint32_t              rtcp_interval; /**< Interval, in timestamp.    */
    pj_bool_t                initial_rr;    /**< Initial RTCP RR sent       */
    pj_bool_t                rtcp_sdes_bye_disabled;/**< Send RTCP SDES/BYE?*/
    void                    *out_rtcp_pkt;  /**< Outgoing RTCP packet.      */
    unsigned                 out_rtcp_pkt_size;
                                            /**< Outgoing RTCP packet size. */
    pj_int16_t              *zero_frame;    /**< Zero frame buffer.         */

    /* RFC 2833 DTMF transmission queue: */
    unsigned                 dtmf_duration; /**< DTMF duration(in timestamp)*/
    int                      tx_event_pt;   /**< Outgoing pt for dtmf.      */
    int                      tx_dtmf_count; /**< # of digits in tx dtmf buf.*/
    struct dtmf              tx_dtmf_buf[32];/**< Outgoing dtmf queue.      */

    /* Incoming DTMF: */
    int                      rx_event_pt;   /**< Incoming pt for dtmf.      */
    int                      last_dtmf;     /**< Current digit, or -1.      */
    pj_uint32_t              last_dtmf_dur; /**< Start ts for cur digit.    */
    pj_bool_t                last_dtmf_ended;
    unsigned                 rx_dtmf_count; /**< # of digits in dtmf rx buf.*/
    char                     rx_dtmf_buf[32];/**< Incoming DTMF buffer.     */

    /* DTMF callback */
    void                    (*dtmf_cb)(pjmedia_stream*, void*, int);
    void                     *dtmf_cb_user_data;

    void                    (*dtmf_event_cb)(pjmedia_stream*, void*,
                                             const pjmedia_stream_dtmf_event*);
    void                     *dtmf_event_cb_user_data;

    /* Enable support to handle codecs with inconsistent clock rate
     * between clock rate in SDP/RTP & the clock rate that is actually used.
     * This happens for example with G.722 and MPEG audio codecs.
    pj_bool_t                has_g722_mpeg_bug;
                                            /**< Flag to specify whether
                                                 normalization process
                                                 is needed                  */
    unsigned                 rtp_tx_ts_len_per_pkt;
                                            /**< Normalized ts length per packet
                                                 transmitted according to
                                                 'erroneous' definition     */
    unsigned                 rtp_rx_ts_len_per_frame;
                                            /**< Normalized ts length per frame
                                                 received according to
                                                 'erroneous' definition     */
    unsigned                 rtp_rx_last_cnt;/**< Nb of frames in last pkt  */
    unsigned                 rtp_rx_check_cnt;
                                            /**< Counter of remote timestamp
                                                 checking */

    pj_sockaddr              rem_rtp_addr;     /**< Remote RTP address      */
    unsigned                 rem_rtp_flag;     /**< Indicator flag about
                                                    packet from this addr.
                                                    0=no pkt, 1=good ssrc,
                                                    2=bad ssrc pkts         */
    unsigned                 rtp_src_cnt;      /**< How many pkt from
                                                    this addr.              */
    pj_uint32_t              rtp_rx_last_ts;        /**< Last received RTP
                                                         timestamp          */
    pj_uint32_t              rtp_tx_err_cnt;        /**< The number of RTP
                                                         send() error       */
    pj_uint32_t              rtcp_tx_err_cnt;       /**< The number of RTCP
                                                         send() error       */

    /* RTCP Feedback */
    pj_bool_t                send_rtcp_fb_nack;     /**< Send NACK?         */
    pjmedia_rtcp_fb_nack     rtcp_fb_nack;          /**< TX NACK state.     */
    int                      rtcp_fb_nack_cap_idx;  /**< RX NACK cap idx.   */



PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_stream_create( pjmedia_endpt *endpt,
                                           pj_pool_t *pool,
                                           const pjmedia_stream_info *info,
                                           pjmedia_transport *tp,
                                           void *user_data,
                                           pjmedia_stream **p_stream)

创建stream对象stream = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_stream);


endptpjmedia_endpt*媒体端点。endpt 函数参数
portpjmedia_port端口接口。port.info初始化pjmedia_port_info_init ,stream->
cnamepj_str_tSDES CNAME。
codecpjmedia_codec*正在使用的编解码器实例。pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec( stream->codec_mgr, &info->fmt, &stream->codec);
codec_parampjmedia_codec_param编解码器参数。stream->codec_param = *stream->si.param;或pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(stream->codec_mgr,&info>fmt,&stream>codec_param);
enc_bufpj_int16_t*编码缓冲区,当编码的 ptime 与解码的不同时有效。
detect_ptime_changepj_bool_t检测解码 ptime 的变化。
plc_cntunsigned连续 PLC 帧的数量。
max_plc_cntunsigned最大的 PLC 帧数量。
vad_enabledunsigned参数中是否启用了 VAD。
ts_vad_disabledpj_uint32_t禁用 VAD 时的时间戳。
tx_durationpj_uint32_t时间戳中的 TX 时长。
jb_mutexpj_mutex_t*抖动缓冲区互斥锁。status = pj_mutex_create_simple(pool, NULL, &stream->jb_mutex);
jb_last_frm_cntunsigned上一个 JB 帧类型的计数器。
rtcppjmedia_rtcp_session传入 RTP 的 RTCP。
rtcp_last_txpj_uint32_tRTCP 的上次发送时间戳。
initial_rrpj_bool_t是否已发送初始的 RTCP RR。
rtcp_sdes_bye_disabledpj_bool_t是否发送 RTCP SDES/BYE?
out_rtcp_pktvoid*出站 RTCP 数据包。
out_rtcp_pkt_sizeunsigned出站 RTCP 数据包大小。
dtmf_durationunsignedDTMF 时长(时间戳)。
tx_event_ptintDTMF 的传输事件 PT。
tx_dtmf_countint发送 DTMF 缓冲区中的数字数量。
tx_dtmf_bufstruct dtmf[32]发送 DTMF 队列。
rx_event_ptint接收 DTMF 的事件 PT。
last_dtmfint当前数字,或 -1。
last_dtmf_endedpj_bool_t上一个 DTMF 是否结束。
rx_dtmf_countunsigned接收 DTMF 缓冲区中的数字数量。
rx_dtmf_bufchar[32]接收 DTMF 缓冲区。
dtmf_cbvoid (*)(pjmedia_stream*, void*, int)DTMF 回调函数。
dtmf_cb_user_datavoid*DTMF 回调函数的用户数据。
dtmf_event_cbvoid (*)(pjmedia_stream*, void*, const pjmedia_stream_dtmf_event*)DTMF 事件回调函数。
dtmf_event_cb_user_datavoid*DTMF 事件回调函数的用户数据。
has_g722_mpeg_bugpj_bool_t是否存在 G722 MPEG Bug。
rtp_tx_ts_len_per_pktunsigned每个发送包的标准化 TS 长度。
rtp_rx_ts_len_per_frameunsigned每个接收帧的标准化 TS 长度。
rtcp_xr_last_txpj_uint32_t上次发送 RTCP XR 的时间戳。
rtcp_xr_intervalpj_uint32_tRTCP XR 的间隔时间戳。
rtcp_xr_destpj_sockaddr附加的远程 RTCP XR 目标。
rtcp_xr_dest_lenunsignedRTCP XR 目标地址的长度。
rem_rtp_addrpj_sockaddr远程 RTP 地址。
rtp_rx_last_tspj_uint32_t上次接收的 RTP 时间戳。
rtp_tx_err_cntpj_uint32_tRTP 发送错误计数。
rtcp_tx_err_cntpj_uint32_tRTCP 发送错误计数。
send_rtcp_fb_nackpj_bool_t是否发送 RTCP 反馈 NACK?
rtcp_fb_nackpjmedia_rtcp_fb_nackTX NACK 状态。
rtcp_fb_nack_cap_idxintRX NACK 能力索引。
    stream->endpt = endpt;
    stream->codec_mgr = pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(endpt);
    stream->dir = info->dir;
    stream->user_data = user_data;
    stream->rtcp_interval = (PJMEDIA_RTCP_INTERVAL-500 + (pj_rand()%1000)) *
                            info->fmt.clock_rate / 1000;
    stream->rtcp_sdes_bye_disabled = info->rtcp_sdes_bye_disabled;

    stream->tx_event_pt = info->tx_event_pt ? info->tx_event_pt : -1;
    stream->rx_event_pt = info->rx_event_pt ? info->rx_event_pt : -1;
    stream->last_dtmf = -1;
    stream->jb_last_frm = PJMEDIA_JB_NORMAL_FRAME;
    stream-> = -1;
    stream->soft_start_cnt = PJMEDIA_STREAM_SOFT_START;
		stream->cname = info->cname;

Create mutex to protect jitter buffer:

codec: Create and initialize codec: pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec Get codec param: pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param Init the codec pjmedia_codec_init(stream->codec, pool); Open the codec.

pjmedia_codec_open(stream->codec, &stream->codec_param);

    stream->dec_ptime = stream->;
    stream->dec_ptime_denum = PJ_MAX(stream->,
    afd->bits_per_sample = 16;
    afd->frame_time_usec = stream-> *
                           stream->codec_param.setting.frm_per_pkt * 1000 /
    stream-> = stream->;


stream->port.put_frame = &put_frame;

stream->port.get_frame = &get_frame;

/* Init jitter buffer parameters: */

/* Create jitter buffer */

status = pjmedia_jbuf_create(pool, &stream->,
                                 jb_max, &stream->jb);

Create decoder channel

Create encoder channel

status = create_channel( pool, stream, PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING,
                             info->tx_pt, info, &stream->enc);

Init RTCP session:

Only attach transport when stream is ready.在attach之前初始化att_param 看两个回调

    att_param.rtp_cb2 = &on_rx_rtp;
    att_param.rtcp_cb = &on_rx_rtcp;
    stream->transport = tp;
    status = pjmedia_transport_attach2(tp, &att_param);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
        goto err_cleanup;